Have you noticed how most language learning apps/web platforms look the same (or very similar)?
In this episode, I question whether or not language innovation has peaked already.
- I’m forever getting requests from startups asking me to help promote their (latest and greatest) language idea.
- At least 90% of their ideas are a complete reinvention of the wheel or a blatant ripoff of something that already exists.
- These “innovators” seem to more effort into simple UI design than coming up with research-based methods.
- The UI designs are getting more and more babyish – we’re marketed to as if we were children.
- Technology in general is making us stupid (fact).
- It seems as though very few new innovations are being made on the language front.
Related blog posts:
Read up on my article on this here.
For examples of apps that are exactly as I’ve described, see my articles on Duolingo and Babbel.
One product that is truly innovative in my opinion is Glossika.