- I previously shared my goal of relearning Koine Greek alongside Modern Greek to see how they benefit each other.
- I’ve been reflecting on my course and learning materials while asking myself how it can be better taught.
- One of the main problems is that students are expected to translate advanced, deeply abstract concepts within a very short amount of time.
- No modern language course starts from zero knowledge and expects advanced level comprehension in a 12 week span – so why should Koine be any different?
- Once again I blame grammar study and a backward approach to learning.
- Ancient languages must – where possible – be learned as living languages. Translation should be taught after a measure of fluency is already reached.
- The key is to learn through chunking – learning patterns and blocks rather than rules.
- Highly repetitive listening to small bites is vital.
Related blog post:
I wrote about the problem with Koine Greek courses here.
Visit my personal list of top Koine Greek resources.