When the time comes that you need to support someone after a death in their family or other major loss, it’s never easy.
You might struggle to find the right words - particularly if the mourning family speaks Spanish.
Knowing how to comfort them in the Spanish language is important and it can be a challenge if you’re not yet fluent in Spanish.
If you’ve found yourself in a situation like this, where you need to express your condolences in Spanish, the guide below will help you.
Take a look at some of the common phrases used to express regret or sympathy in Spanish.
Spanish vocabulary used to describe death, loss, and sympathy
Let’s start by looking at some essential vocabulary to describe death and loss in Spanish.
The table below contains the phrases you’ll need for this:
Español | English |
Entierro | Burial |
Dolor | Grief |
Fallecer | Pass away |
Morir | To die |
Muerte | Death |
Cremación | Cremation |
La tumba | The tomb |
How do you say condolences in Spanish?
The Spanish word for ‘condolences’ is condolencias. It is typically used to express how sorry you are to hear of someone’s death.
Condolencias is normally also used alongside the possessive pronoun mis. So, at a funeral, you would hear people saying:
Mis condolencias.
You might hear an extended version of this phrase, which is:
Mis más sinceras condolencias
Both of these phrases are used in the same way their English translations are used.
There are more ways to express condolences in Spanish too.
More ways to express sympathy in Spanish
Take a look at the following table to see more examples of ways to express sympathy in Spanish.
Which ones have you heard of, and which are new to your vocabulary?
Español | English |
Que el/ella descanse en paz | May he/she rest in peace |
Lo siento mucho | I’m very sorry |
Estoy a tu lado para lo que necesites | I’m at your side for whatever you need |
Lo lamento mucho | I am sorry for this |
Mi más sentido pésame | My deepest condolences |
Comparto tu dolor | I share your pain |
Siempre es doloroso y difícil perder a alguien cercano | It’s always painful and difficult to lose someone close to you |
Puedes contar conmigo en estos momentos difíciles | You can count on me in these difficult moments |
Formal and informal contexts for offering condolences in Spanish
There are formal and informal contexts that you should be aware of when giving condolences in Spanish.
In formal contexts, you might not know the person who has passed away.
You might not know the person who is grieving very well either. In situations like these, you should use usted.
The usted form requires the entire sentence to be formulated in a formal register. Instead of te, you must use le. Instead of tu, you must use the possessive pronoun su. My guide on Spanish pronouns covers this in more detail.
In other contexts, you might be best friends with the person who is grieving.
Or you might want to offer your condolences to a close family member who you haven’t seen for many years. In these situations, you should use the informal register.
In situations where you know the person well, you can use te, ti and tu when expressing your sympathies.
Examples of how to offer your condolences in Spanish
Now that we’ve covered some key phrases used to express condolences, here are some examples of how you might use them.
Can you spot which sentences are formal and which are informal?
Que descanse en paz
¿Falleció hace una semana? Que descanse en paz. Estamos aquí para ti. Al menos ya no sufre.
Sé lo difícil que debe ser esto. Ella vivirá en sus recuerdos. Que descanse en paz.
Lo siento mucho
Lo sé que era como un hermano para ti. Es una noticia muy triste. Lo siento mucho.
No la conocía muy bien. Siento mucho su pérdida.
Estoy a tu lado para lo que necesites
Lo sé que significaba mucho para ti. Estoy a tu lado para lo que necesites.
Nos entristece esta noticia. Es muy triste. Estamos a su lado para lo que necesites.
Lamento mucho
Lamentamos mucho el fallecido de su madre. Le apoyaremos en lo que necesite.
Lamentan mucho que ha muerto tu padre. No lo conocían, pero te envían buenos deseos.
Mi más sentido pésame
Nuestros pensamientos van a los que están de duelo después de esta pérdida. Nuestro más sentido pésame.
Tengo el corazón roto por la pérdida de tu hermana. Era amable, honesta y valiente. Mi más sentido pésame.
Comparto tu dolor
Nunca es un momento fácil y compartimos su dolor. Os deseamos lo mejor y os daremos tiempo para el duelo.
Comparto tu dolor. Ella fue como una hermana. Que tristeza.
Siempre es doloroso y difícil perder a alguien cercano
Siempre es doloroso y difícil perder a alguien cercano. Pensamos en ti mientras tus emociones se curan.
Siempre es doloroso y difícil perder a alguien cercano. Si necesita algo, háganoslo saber.
Puedes contar conmigo en estos momentos difíciles
Usted puede contar conmigo en estos momentos difíciles.
Puedes contar conmigo en estos momentos difíciles.
Give someone your best wishes and condolences in Spanish
Offering condolences in Spanish is an important skill to have.
It shows your Spanish-speaking friends who have suffered loss that you’re respectful, kind and thoughtful.
A grieving person, whether they’re a close friend or a colleague, will always appreciate kind words during a difficult time.
Practising is important, but even if you get something grammatically incorrect, the sentiment and meaning will be noticed.
Even if you simply say lo siento mucho que ha fallecido el/ella, it’s enough to show that you care.
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