60+ Most Common Spanish Adverbs And Their Types

  • Donovan Nagel
    Written by Donovan Nagel
    Donovan Nagel Teacher, translator, polyglot
    🎓 B.A., Theology, Australian College of Theology, NSW
    🎓 M.A., Applied Linguistics, University of New England, NSW

    Applied Linguistics graduate, teacher and translator. Founder of The Mezzofanti Guild and Talk In Arabic.
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60+ Most Common Spanish Adverbs And Their Types

Spanish adverbs modify, describe or intensify verbs or adjectives.

They’re typically used alongside verbs and adjectives to express time, intensity, frequency, perspective, style, and direction, as well as other qualities.

In English, most adverbs typically end in -ly but can also be standalone words like “now”, “here”, and “together”.

In much the same way, Spanish adverbs usually end in -mente (but not always).

In the next section, I’ll explain this and you’ll see that Spanish adverbs are used in much the same way as English adverbs.

How are adverbs formed in Spanish?

Most Spanish adverbs follow a general rule.

The general rule for translating -ly adverbs into Spanish is to take the adjective, make it feminine singular, and add -mente on the end.

Let’s see this rule in action:

  • RápidoRápidamente (Quick → Quickly)
  • ClaroClaramente (Clear → Clearly)

Notice the a in the Spanish adverb.

It’s important to note, though, that not all Spanish adverbs do this. Spanish adjectives that end in a consonant or an -e remain as they are:

  • AlegreAlegremente (Happy → Happily)
  • AccidentalAccidentalmente (Accidental → Accidentally)

This rule doesn’t apply to all adjectives in Spanish, which is the same in English. After all, you can’t enter a room fun-ly or cook something purple-ly.

Common Spanish adverbs

Below, you’ll find a comprehensive list of the most common Spanish adverbs.

I’ve divided the adverbs into adverb types/categories.

Adverbs of time

The first lot of adverbs we’ll learn help you convey a timeframe.

These words will form a crucial part of your vocabulary. They’ll also allow you to tell your Spanish friends and family fun stories about yourself as you recount what happened when.

hoytodayVoy al cine hoy
(I’m going to the cinema today)
mañanatomorrowMañana tengo una reunión
(I have a meeting tomorrow)
ayeryesterdayFuimos al parque ayer
(We went to the park yesterday)
anteayerthe day before yesterdayLlegaron de viaje anteayer
(They arrived from their trip the day before yesterday)
anochelast nightSalí a cenar anoche
(I went out for dinner last dinner)
aúnstillAún no he terminado el libro
(I still haven’t finished the book)
yaalready¿Ya comiste el almuerzo?
(Did you eat lunch already?)
prontosoonLlegaré pronto a casa
(I will arrive home soon)
tardelateElla llegó tarde a nuestra cita
(She arrived late to our date)
tempranoearlyPor otro lado, yo llegué temprano
(On the other hand, I arrived early)

Adverbs of frequency

These adverbs allow you to express how often or how little you do something.

Adverbs of frequency and adverbs of time are considered separate categories in English, but not in Spanish. I’ve separated them here though to make it easier to learn the vocab, breaking up the lists into smaller, more manageable sections.

Here are some common Spanish adverbs of frequency:

siemprealwaysSiempre bebo agua y como fruta
(I always drink water and eat fruit)
nuncaneverNunca hemos viajado a Asia
(We have never been to Asia)
a menudooftenSebastián va al gimnasio a menudo
(Sebastian goes to the gym often)
a vecessometimesA veces salgo a pasear por la tarde
(I sometimes go for a walk in the evening)
rara vezrarelyRara vez come postre
(He rarely eats dessert)
usualmenteusuallyUsualmente no estudio los sábados
(I usually don’t study on Saturdays)
diariamentedailyTomo vitaminas diariamente
(I take vitamins daily)
semanalmenteweeklyMi amiga hace yoga semanalmente
(My friend does yoga weekly)
mensualmentemonthlyPagamos la renta mensualmente
(We pay the rent monthly)
anualmenteannuallyCelebro mi cumpleaños anualmente
(I celebrate my birthday annually)

Adverbs of place

This next lot of Spanish adverbs will help you express where something is.

You might not have thought some of these were adverbs, but if they modify the sentence, they’re adverbs. These place-related words are incredibly common in Spanish, so it’s certainly worth learning them.

Let’s take a closer look at them:

aquí/acáhereSiéntate aquí a mi lado
(Sit here by my side)
allí/alláthere/over thereEl parque está allí, al final de la calle
(The park is over there, at the end of the street)
en algún lugarsomewhereDejé las llaves en algún lugar seguro
(I left the keys somewhere safe)
en ninguna partenowhere/anywhereBusqué por todas partes, pero no lo encontré en ninguna parte
(I looked everywhere, but I didn’t find it anywhere)
cercanearLa tienda está cerca de la estación
(The shop is near the station)
lejosfarVive lejos, en las afueras de la ciudad
(He lives far away on the outskirts of the city)
abajodown(stairs)Espere abajo mientras termino de vestirme, por favor
(Wait downstairs while I finish changing, please)
arribaup(stairs)Los niños juegan arriba en sus habitaciones
(The children are playing upstairs in their rooms)
detrásbehindEl coche está estacionado detrás del edificio
(The car is parked behind the building)
enfrentein frontEl café está justo enfrente del cine
(The café is just in front of the cinema)

Some of these words you may recognise if you’ve ever studied prepositions before. That’s because these words function as prepositional adverbs in both Spanish and English.

Adverbs of manner

This is where you’ll find the majority of adverbs. This category includes words that express how something is being done.

Most adverbs that describe how something happens end in “-ly” in English and therefore end in -mente in Spanish.

Here are some of the most common adverbs of manner in Spanish:

bienwellMi madre cocina muy bien
(My mother cooks very well)
malbadlyPor otro lado, yo cocino mal
(On the other hand, I cook badly)
soloalonePrefiero viajar solo
(I prefer to travel alone)
juntostogetherCaminemos juntos por el parque
(Let’s walk in the park together)
cuidadosamentecarefullyLee el contrato cuidadosamente antes de firmar
(Read the contract carefully before signing)
fácilmenteeasilyResolvió el problema fácilmente
(He solved the problem easily)
seriamenteseriouslyHabló seriamente sobre su futuro
(She talked seriously about her future)
lentamenteslowlyConduce lentamente en esta zona
(Drive slowly in this area)
suavementegentlyCierra la puerta suavemente, por favor
(Close the door gently please)
terriblementeterriblyMe asusté terriblemente con la película
(I was terribly scared by the movie)

Adverbs of degree

Spanish adverbs of degree are also known as adverbs of quantity and involve words that convey to what degree something is being done.

Essentially, they quantify an action. This helps you build a better picture of a scenario or give more detailed instructions. You’ll need these words quite often, but fortunately you’ll probably know some already!

Let’s take a look at some common Spanish adverbs of degree:

muyveryEstoy muy cansado después del trabajo
(I’m very tired after work)
bastantequiteHace bastante calor hoy
(It’s quite hot today)
pocolittleEllos tienen poco tiempo para estudiar
(They have little time to study)
extremelyextremadamenteEstamos extremadamente agradecidos por su hospitalidad
(We are extremely grateful for your hospitality)
másmoreNecesito más tiempo para terminar
(I need more time to finish)
menoslessNecesitas caminar menos y descansar más
(You need to walk less and rest more)
muchoa lotDisfruté mucho en la fiesta
(I had a lot of fun at the party)
demasiadotoo (much)Comí demasiado en la cena
(I ate too much at dinner)
tantoas much/so muchTiene tanto talento para el piano
(He has so much talent for the piano)
casialmostLlegué casi a tiempo para la reunión
(I arrived almost on time for the meeting)

Adverbs of doubt

Adverbs of doubt are rather self-explanatory. They express uncertainty in an action.

Sometimes, if they precede a verb, they trigger the subjunctive in Spanish. As a general rule, if your sentence or statement creates doubt, chances are your verb will need a subjunctive.

Here are some common Spanish adverbs of doubt:

quizá/quizásmaybeQuizá vaya al cine esta noche
(Maybe I’ll go to the cinema tonight)
tal vezmaybeTal vez llueva mañana
(Maybe it will rain tomorrow)
a lo mejormaybeA lo mejor llegamos temprano
(Maybe we’ll arrive early)
igualperhapsIgual tenemos que trabajar los findes
(Perhaps we’ll have to work weekends)
acasoperhaps/by any chanceAcaso encuentres tu libro aquí
(Perhaps you’ll find your book here)
posiblementepossiblyPosiblemente venga a la fiesta
(I might possibly come to the party)
probablementeprobablyProbablemente estudiaré más tarde
(I will probably study later)
al parecerapparentlyAl parecer, no hay más entradas
(Apparently, there are no more tickets)
aparentementeapparentlyAparentemente, se canceló el vuelo
(Apparently, the flight got cancelled)
potencialmentepotentiallyEsa idea es potencialmente peligrosa
(That idea is potentially dangerous)

Adverb placement

Adverbs can be used almost anywhere in a sentence, as they can modify verbs, adjectives, and even whole sentences.

Luckily, using adverbs in Spanish isn’t all too different from using them in English. In fact, you can mostly put an adverb in the same place in the sentence as you would in English.

Adverbs usually come directly before the word they are modifying, but in some cases (like with verbs) they can appear directly after the word.

One extra thing worth noting is that if you want to use two -mente Spanish adverbs one after another, only the last one will take the ending. For instance:

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Ella corrió rápida y apresuradamente.

She ran quickly and hurriedly.

Adverbs are used every day in Spanish, so they’re unavoidable. This means it’s extra important for you to learn as many as you can.

Since adverbs are everywhere, chances are you’ve already come across a fair few. You’ll no doubt recognise some of the words above, but it’s always worth refreshing your memory with old vocab.

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Donovan Nagel
Donovan Nagel - B. Th, MA AppLing
I'm an Applied Linguistics graduate, teacher and translator with a passion for language learning (especially Arabic).
Currently learning: Greek


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